1. 尊龙凯时

      1. 欢迎光临,尊龙凯时流体设备(江苏)有限公司 !

        当前位置: 主页 > 换热设备 > 板式换热器板片 板式换热器板片



        产品介绍:原料进厂检验 。在压制前对模具进行全面的检测,保证压制的精度 。对压制的板片进行5%的质量抽检。同时每张板片都有唯一的身份编码 ,可以进行质量追溯。
        Product introduction: raw material inspection in factory. Carry out overall inspection of the mold before pressing to ensure the accuracy of pressing. 5% quality sampling of pressed sheets. At the same time, each plate has a unique identity code, which can be traced back to quality.

        主要板型 :小角度板型和大角度板型。其中大小角度板型又包含深波纹和浅波纹。尊龙凯时可根据客户的实际工况进行设计 ,也可以针对一些特殊的工况来开发模具 ,可以满足客户的所有需求。
        Main plate type: small angle plate and large angle plate. The size, angle and plate shape include deep corrugation and Asami Mon. We can design according to the actual working conditions of customers, or we can develop molds for some special working conditions, which can meet all the needs of customers.


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